Things that underpin my art
My art tries to parse out depths visually and in connection, underpinned by congenital differences from the norm.
My art tries to parse out depths visually and in connection, underpinned by congenital differences from the norm.
I made 8×10 prints of a few of the Tree Dancer drawings on a light card stock. And then I coloured them in with pencil crayons and touched them up with pencil & fine line pen. Here are some original drawings, and their colourized do-over. I really enjoy doing the colour work, and people tell me they see details that escaped them previously.
Light defines things which are beyond our hands reach. This definition has an immediacy it is difficult to appreciate without considering the various layers and levels which are interposed between us.
Here are a few trees that have gotten into my sketch book while I am waiting in a car.
The Don Valley Art Club is holding it’s annual Spring Show at the Paper Mill Gallery at Todmorden Mills on Pottery Road in Toronto.
The show is running May 7 & 8, and May 14 from 12 pm to 5 pm, and Sunday May 15 from 12 pm to 3 pm. The address is 67 Pottery Road, Toronto Ontario.
The show always has a wide range of work and you will see some beautiful pieces. Please come out and have a look.
The Dignam Gallery run by the Women’s Art Association of Canada has invited me to take part in this show. There are 6 artists showing the results of their own experience with the 6th Sense, which the curator Deniz Ergun-Seker feels is a key element in the artistic conversation. I was thrilled to be asked to share my own explorations and imaginings at the gallery. It would be great if people came by and saw the work.
The show runs from May 19 –
Once again the Bayview Art Tour is happening in our neighbourhood. Local artists and artisans open their homes/studios for a show & sale on the second last weekend of October. The Manor will be open, and now that I have moved my studio down to the main floor I will feel more like I’m going to be participating as a working artist in the community.
Look for signs with yellow balloons. We will have maps available of the different venues –