I had an image of an Earth Mother type figure that acted as the central engine of life. A flow of light and energy and spirit that fills everything, guided by the organizing principal that seems to be what life is, weaving ever-more widely reaching possibilities out of the materials at hand and creating the wonders that we share in as living creatures.
I wasn’t sure just how a painting of this would come together, but I at least had an idea of what it would look like. I was lucky enough to spot an image online that would be my central template. I don’t have any accreditation for the picture but here it is.
I thought I would simply post a series of pictures I took of Sky Drop as it was being worked on. Some people might find the evolution of form, colour and idea interesting. I’ll point out here that I always intended for the sky to contain a pair of cranes, and for the central figure to enjoy watching the progress of a snail as it explored her creation. These things usually fit in better when I place them during the end-game of the painting.
Sky Drop. 16″ x 20″ acrylic
The Goddess milks the sky, bringing light and life and warmth back around again.

Now to get the finished work studio wrapped, and maybe start thinking of how I may frame it.