Things that underpin my art
My art tries to parse out depths visually and in connection, underpinned by congenital differences from the norm.
My art tries to parse out depths visually and in connection, underpinned by congenital differences from the norm.
I had an image of an Earth Mother type figure that acted as the central engine of life. A flow of light and energy and spirit that fills everything, guided by the organizing principal that seems to be what life is, weaving ever-more widely reaching possibilities out of the materials at hand and creating the wonders that we share in as living creatures.
I wasn’t sure just how a painting of this would come together, but I at least had an idea of what it would look like.
I made 8×10 prints of a few of the Tree Dancer drawings on a light card stock. And then I coloured them in with pencil crayons and touched them up with pencil & fine line pen. Here are some original drawings, and their colourized do-over. I really enjoy doing the colour work, and people tell me they see details that escaped them previously.