Things that underpin my art
My art tries to parse out depths visually and in connection, underpinned by congenital differences from the norm.
My art tries to parse out depths visually and in connection, underpinned by congenital differences from the norm.
“Night Bird”
Intuition space.
A piece that is open, surprising, satisfying, and speaks in unscripted ways is better for being that way.
I’ve often realized the power of artistic trust. There is wonder and whimsy in abundance when I don’t plan and plot and iron all the mystery out of art.
Poetry is the creative build, the dance between the inner world outside of ourselves and our own inner being. Art is concretely realizing this dance in a sharing manner.
… Read more Intuition Space – The Place Where Poetry and Art Meet
“If the doors of perception were cleansed,
everything would appear to man as it is,
William Blake
Our lack of sight defines us.
That definition of ourselves is constantly refined and outright changed by scientists, physicists and mathematicians, by philosophers, writers and artists. Their work shows us what we don’t see, where we lack sight. They make visible the negative spaces and dark matter and energy that interweave what we think is the whole of the perceivable universe.
The long view. The big picture. A slice of reality that gives context to the larger reality that we are ripples on the intersection of the infinite seas called Deep Space and Deep Time.
“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust.
there is a wellspring deep within me that will replenish itself continuously – a wellspring that raises up it’s own inexplicable yet significant gifts for me to try to clarify and express using innate talent and nurtured skill sets
The Neolithic misogyny that requires absolute power and control over women instead of attempting even a modicum of self control is a characteristic of the destructive, backwards Fundamentalist mindset that infects billions of people world wide.
There has been a shift, somehow, in ages past that has resulted in this place I now stand. I sometimes wonder what is the real place I am standing in. Is my perspective limited in some way? Ought I shift my viewpoint in order to really see what is around me?
12 years ago I realized that I had to do something with my artistic ability. The press of kids and work had left me with no room or desire to pursue art. But I couldn’t leave it lying fallow any longer – I was not only short-changing myself but I was depriving my family as well. It is one thing to know that a possibility exists. It is something else to begin the long process of realizing the possibility. So I decided to start drawing. Drawing is the basic artistic skill that I wanted to develop as a first step to being able to express my artistic visions.
Evolution works with populations. Individuals are irrelevant (unless there crops up a group of individuals who release a game-changer such as self-replicating nano-bots, a sustainable black-hole released into the earths core, fantasy of that ilk). That Darwinian fact is repeatable – evolution deals with populations, not with whatever group is caught up in surges of silliness over religious affiliation or geographic origin.
I’ve been to Kuwait City a couple of times now and I am always struck by how creative and beautiful the modern towers are there. They look like the sails of pearl fishing boats, or waves, or palm trees. Curves, insets, spectacular uses of openings and windows. The first time I was ever made aware of the architecture of that place was when I ran across a photo of the Water Towers of Kuwait. Amazing. They are even better in person. And if you go up inside please note that the deserts in the restaurant are delicious.