Art Writings

The thought that is underlying a piece, the mental framing of it, the basis or background of the work - this is what I'm doing with these posts.



“Surfacing†was me using my paints and brushes to muse about what a surface is. I wondered about scale, and at what scale does a surface become contained. Teasing out cycles, I will generally take a lot of time in a re-iterative exploration of form, depth & nuance in my painting and drawing. The art gradually reveals to me it’s own relationships and inner structure. My unique eyes allows me to enjoy a unique vision. The whale was a whimsical spirit acting as Gaia’s powerful,

Read more Surfacing

A drawing of an octopus and a whale in the ocean.

Intuition Space – The Place Where Poetry and Art Meet

“Night Bird”

Intuition space.


A piece that is open, surprising, satisfying, and speaks in unscripted ways is better for being that way.

I’ve often realized the power of artistic trust. There is wonder and whimsy in abundance when I don’t plan and plot and iron all the mystery out of art.

Poetry is the creative build, the dance between the inner world outside of ourselves and our own inner being. Art is concretely realizing this dance in a sharing manner.

Read more Intuition Space – The Place Where Poetry and Art Meet

A drawing of an odd looking bird with long legs.

A most fortunate creative.

there is a wellspring deep within me that will replenish itself continuously – a wellspring that raises up it’s own inexplicable yet significant gifts for me to try to clarify and express using innate talent and nurtured skill sets


There has been a shift, somehow, in ages past that has resulted in this place I now stand. I sometimes wonder what is the real place I am standing in. Is my perspective limited in some way? Ought I shift my viewpoint in order to really see what is around me?

Once upon a Sketchbook

12 years ago I realized that I had to do something with my artistic ability. The press of kids and work had left me with no room or desire to pursue art. But I couldn’t leave it lying fallow any longer – I was not only short-changing myself but I was depriving my family as well. It is one thing to know that a possibility exists. It is something else to begin the long process of realizing the possibility. So I decided to start drawing. Drawing is the basic artistic skill that I wanted to develop as a first step to being able to express my artistic visions.

A Few Words About Some of My Work

I’ve heard different times that people want to know the stories that the work acts as a window for . . . I wanted to sweep the sky into the earth, the surface into the depths, the ephemeral into the eternal. I wanted to play with the paint.

A poster of the art and craft show.

Artisans at the Distillery 2012

I am showing this upcoming long weekend in a booth at the historic Distillery District just east of Downtown Toronto. A free event in this very attractive and pedestrian friendly venue, the art show runs Saturday, Sunday and Monday August 4, 5 & 6. Officially the hours are 11 am to 6 pm each day. I’m guessing that there will be a little leeway in those times depending on crowd & weather. There are times people keep their booths open for the evening crowd.

Read more Artisans at the Distillery 2012


The universe resides in what is referred to as deep time. Billions of years layer the foundation of our understanding of our world and of ourselves. The depth of our history, all the way from the elements we are made of on up to the faculties we have evolved, combine to understand and interpret that world. This is what fuels the synthesis which is the essential structure of understanding ourselves and the world we live in.