I had a few days of free time when I visited Harrison Springs, British Columbia a couple of years ago. Harrison Springs is a small town an hour and a half inland from Vancouver. It is surrounded by mountains but the water extends for a long ways. Unfortunately I never got a water tour in, but I was able to walk a couple of trails up the mountainside. Gorgeous big trees, lush fern meadows, and towering rock tumbles. So I carried my sketchbook around and was able to get some drawings done that I felt good about. I was just looking at the files and thought I’d share some here.
The first one is what I feel is my most successful landscape sketch to date.
11″ x 14″ West View Mountainside Harrison Springs

I drew some trees and such while on a ramble about that western face.

I tried to capture the look of the eastern side of the lake with the morning clouds boiling over them. This was the best I could do.

That’s not even 10 minutes well spent!