Harrison Springs BC
Harrison Springs is a small town an hour and a half inland from Vancouver. I carried my sketchbook around and was able to get some drawings done that I felt good about.
Harrison Springs is a small town an hour and a half inland from Vancouver. I carried my sketchbook around and was able to get some drawings done that I felt good about.
My scam story. The scammer Charles Phey – email address academicss00@gmail.com – was consistent enough in his scam that Google could feed me his name
Light defines things which are beyond our hands reach. This definition has an immediacy it is difficult to appreciate without considering the various layers and levels which are interposed between us.
Here are a few trees that have gotten into my sketch book while I am waiting in a car.
I didn’t think to take a photo of this piece until it was pretty well set, so there isn’t a real early stage photo. But it is interesting to see a couple of intermediary steps before the finished look. I didn’t try to make the colour of the stages look like the finished piece. I think that is part of their attraction, actually.
Passing Glances – I knew how I wanted it to look and used an image that was very close to the final layout in order to give me a good proportional drawing.
The balance and interplay of “what is” and “what if” can be so dynamic and so important! If there is no way someone can see properly, does that then allow that person to see clearly from time to time?
I recently read a post in an online forum about guys approaching girls on social websites. The discussion in the forum moved to guys interacting with women in general. The forum contained a post by a woman that burned my biscuits. It was one of a series of posts by her that indicated a real dislike and distaste for anyone who did not have her personal seal of approval.
A sample quote from a post by her.
“Again, if I don’t know you,… Read more Negative Attribution Rant
The AWOL Gallery on Ossington here in Toronto is holding their annual Square Foot show again this summer. They accept the first 500 artists, each of whom can submit up to 3 pieces. The theme of the show is that all pieces have to be exactly one square foot – 12″ per side – and no more than 5 inches deep. The gallery decides whether to hang one or more of the submissions from each artist. Some years I’ve had all 3 hung,
Some waits recur. Again and again the waiting takes place at the same location.
we wait and wait for the event, the moment, the open door, the busy professional, the activity-laden child . . . I now bring a sketchbook