I almost forgot to post this! The Don Valley Art Club is having it’s annual Large & Small Picture Show at Todmorden Mills Museum and Art Centre, 67 Pottery Road Toronto. (http://www.donvalleyartclub.com/) I’ve submitted some drawings – my Tree Dancer 13″ x 19″ series.
Tree Dancer 3 sold, so I’ve dropped the rest of the series with the gallery people. Apparently a couple of artists have sold work and didn’t have replacement work ready, which opens up an opportunity for me to get another piece on the wall.
I am manning a table on Saturday from noon till 2, so if you drop by be sure to say hello.
The details for the show are in the link, but it was on last weekend and will also be happening Saturday, December 4, noon to 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 5, noon to 3:00 p.m (the last day of the art show)
An update to say I sold Tree Dancer 2 while manning a table at the art show! I got to meet the lovely couple who purchased the work and we talked about the piece before they made their final decision. It was very nice to experience that moment.
Another update – I just got a call that Tree Dancers 4 & 5 sold this afternoon. Now I don’t have to go down to the gallery to pick up my work, because I sold my 2 original submissions, and both back-ups as well. Colour me happy 🙂